Saturday, February 21, 2009


Right now i'm amazed at how many february bdays there are. including me!

ppl are currently obsessed with sign language. i know about half of the alphabet which is pretty good i say.

I really like weight training! we don't have to run OR jumprope! and the excercise videos are hard while you're doing them but it's not that bad.

In science we were doing the clicky game and i got extra credit for the first time doing that! yay! i was like working with julia and liz and we would tell eachother what we put but most of them i knew myself and sometimes i helped them get the right answer.

julia's rube goldberg was really good! "look at the time! I have to go to school!" lol.

i got these new headphones at target for an early b-day present and... they work a little TOO well. i can't hear like ANYTHING with them in my ears. well besides my music of course. so usually i just use one ear bud at a time so i can hear.

I'm pretty excited for spring to come.

i went to my condo with summer julia and vivian and it was fun. i don't feel like going in to detail but as you probably know i could ramble on for like three pages.

julia and my party (that doesn't sound right...) is today and my sister's is tomorrow.

In math yesterday people were coloring people's hair. liz colored my hair so it looked moldy... julia made a pretty purple streak. the brown marker made people's hair look green so when paige colored vivian's hair with the brown marker it made her hair look green!

my mom wants me to come eat but I DON'T WANT TO. it makes me sad...

ok bubi! ppls.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

MY avatars

idk if i did this right...

random person

i tried to make her look like a ballerina but... it didn't really work. :P

the ballerina's boyfriend.

the ballerina's best friend.

ok i'm done now.
for now.
