Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blue Lake

i am back from blue lake. i was in the white band. oh well. my dad says it was because i didn't practice all summmer. that's probably true. but i didn't move after reauditions. our counselor was awesome. she always gave us 20 minutes of flashlight time and let us talk during it(except the last night when we had unlimited flashlight time as long as we were quiet. i stayed up until 12 that might). she also played music for us to sleep and wake up to. she didn't make us get up until 6:30 unless we wanted to take a shower. then we would get up at 6. she let us pratice in our cabin. one time there were like, five people playing our instruments! she let jamie straighten half of her hair so that she was half a clown and half a normal person. she didn't make us clean but we did a little cleaning anyway. still, we were last almost every lunch, but we didn't care. she was just so easy-goeing and nice and funny. i am going to miss her and all of my other camp friends. we got to have santa as our director. he gave us candy. he was really strange! we got annoyed because he stopped us so much when we were playing. a lot of the songs we played for the concert, we had never played all the way through! we did okay anyway. i will miss blue lake!



Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa I was looking for something about blue lake online and I found this. It has to be you. Its Allison :P Ya Are you going back next year? I probably am! Email me!

fish n' chips95 said...

I got 1st chair, it was cool, but I totally messed up my first audition and got into red orchestra