Saturday, March 29, 2008

Psychic abilities?

A couple of days ago (Wednesday night) I had a dream that we switched seats in social studies. In real life I had sat next to a girl named N and across from S. In the dream, I ened up sitting next to S and across from N when we were done switching and we're like, that's weird. N and S just switched places! The next day, we switched seats in social studies and were put into these rows instead of table groups. And I was sitting next to S. But I wasn't sitting across from N. I couldn't because we were in rows (she was in my row though). Oh well. I guess I need to work on my psychic abilities. :)


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random, Random, and more Random

I am going to use this font for today. I haven't posted anything for awhile. I didn't feel like it. Today is a beautiful day. It's so warm out right now. There's still snow out though which really annoys me. I have a song from band stuck in my head. It's called The Procession of the Sardar or something. I really really don't want to go to my French horn lesson. Now I have a Jazz Band song stuck in my head. everybody dance now! No one will read this. Except Sarah if she is being weird. I'm kidding. This is like, the weirdest post I've done. Maybe. I hope anyone who reads this understands that I didn't love Luke Skywalker. How can you love a fictional charater? No clue. If anyone reads this, please leave a comment because I want to see if anyone actually reads this. That was weird.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was the first track practice. Not many of my friends from my school are in it (only three that I can think I right now; E, J, and N) but I have a few friends from the other middle school too so it's all good. Anyway (I say that word too much) we jogged to the other middle school (since they have the track) and warmed up. Then we jogged and ran and sprinted and walked until our legs felt like they would fall off. That's how I felt anyway (see!). But J's mom was nice and she drove the four of us to our school instead of walking or running like everyone else. I felt bad for them. What's really really weird is that after we were done with part of our running, we would walk and I would become really really hyper and start laughing really creepily and skipping until J reminded me we were supposed to be walking. And I would say weird things like, "Oh no, we're running. Yay!". I was really creeping myself out and kept saying so. I was tired, but if you looked at me you would probably think, "That girl's weird. She's not even tired!" And I kept needing a tissue since it was like 30 degrees out but it felt really good when we were running because we were running. Ya know. Yeah. So that was track for you. In band today we got a list of the possible tests for us in the future. I also had to switch seats with Ryan so that I was sitting in the middle of the row instead of the end. I don't even know why I had to switch. I used to sit next to my friend E (from track) but when I switched, I have to sit next to a boy which I will call K (in the clarinet section) or T (I think) and someone else from the French horn section who is of course, a boy. But it depends on what day it is to who that boy is. Also, from my new seat, it's harder for me to get out and get to my next class. Enough about band though. In art we started coil peices and that's about it. In Language Arts, we started reading children's books for this project we're doing. At lunch, S and I tried to sell Girl Scout cookies. Then G came but pretty much all she did was play with my five-year-old sister. In math we had a substitute and a test about graphs and stuff. In science we had a really short vocabulary quiz about genetics and a sub. Again! We also read in this book and answered some questions. In gym we did volleyball again. In social studies we worked on our Africa projects in the computer lab. Actually, I didn't really work on socail studies. I mostly chatted to E on Gmail. That was probably my longest post.



I kind of forgot to post yesterday. I was on the blog, but then I left. All I really wanted to say yesterday was that I went to Girl Scouts and made bread and muffins but I had to leave before it was done baking so I didn't get any warm bread. That made me really sad. :(

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Star Wars

I watched part of Star Wars 4 today. It was my first time watching any of the Star Wars movies ever. And I am offiacially in love with the Luke Skywalker person. He is so hot!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I love love looooooooove being able to walk home from school with only a sweatshirt on. I was really getting tired of the cold. There is one thing that confuses me though. And I do know that it's cold in the morning. Let's get that established before I state what I'm confused about. Okay. I'm confused because in the morning it's like 30 degrees outside and feels like it's the middle of January and after school, it's really nice outside and like 55 degrees. How can it change that much? And another thing I'm confused about. Why is there still snow on the ground in big piles if it's so warm? I'm very confused about spring this year, but I'm still very very glad that it's almost here.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Random fact

Here is a random fact. I promise this will be my last post today unless something really important or cool happens or there is something I just have to write. Anyway, the random fact is: the billionth digit of pi is 9. Isn't that cool? I betcha didn't know that.


Funny Stuff

Sorry that I keep making new posts. My sister and my dad are eating dinner. My sister is in a crabby mood so she told my dad that she didn't want to sit next to him. So they sat at opposite ends of the table. Our table is pretty big so it looked really silly. Then my sister needed a napkin so my dad asked me to get her one. I picked one up daintily, walked over to her with it on my open palms, placed it on the table next to her and said, "Here you go madam," with a fake British accent. She screamed, "I not your dumb! I no want you call me dumb! I not dumb!" So then my dad asked me if I had called her dumb and I said no, I had said madam. So my dad had to explain to her (from across the table) that I hadn't called her "my dumb", but I had called her "madam" which means lady. This misunderstanding cracked me up. If you don't think it's funny, I guess you had to be there to get it and think it was funny. There's another funny thing. My dog is an adopted dog and he may have been sarving at one point. This makes him eat anything and everything he finds. My sister likes to play with dried beans out of a big plastic box. Before dinner, my sister didn't put away her beans, so after I was done laughing about the madam incident, I walked into the kitchen and saw my dog eating the dried beans out of the box! On instinct I yelled out, "NO!". He ran away quickly as if he knew he was guilty and didn't want to get in trouble. It was really funny to see him eating the beans and then running away because he was caught red-handed! Or maybe I should say red-pawed. . .



This is about candy suckers; not any other kind of suckers. I finished my dinner of shrimp soup and cabbage and now i am eating a sucker. It is my favorite kind. A strawberry blow-pop. I'm not supposed to eat the gum part of it, but you know what? I do anyway. So does everyone else with braces. But don't tell the orthodontist. They will get mad at you. And if you have braces, be careful with your gum. Anyway, about my sucker. I got it for selling more than five spaghetti dinner tickets. Actually I got a different kind and then traded with this girl because she didn't want strawberry. She is weird. You probably don't know what the spaghetti dinner is or what spaghetti dinner tickets are so I'll tell you. Kind of. It's a fund-raiser for the music program in our town. And we sold the most spaghetti dinner tickets so we get a pizza party and a recess. Yay seventh grade band! And I'm not talking about the band at the other middle school. I talking about the seveth grade band at our school. The cool one. No offense other school. They were so close to getting the party that we were afraid they had it! But we did it! Sorry about that. That was probably boring. I'm just excited about my new blog and I have nothing else to do. Except go read Twilight, which I might do after I'm done with this. Maybe. Any of you read it?

OMG, Sweetness Sarah person! I just realized that I have the same layout as you! I can't believe I didn't notice that before. Should I change it? Sorry everyone else who isn't Sarah.

I am done with my homework.

Wow. That's a really boring title. But who cares? I am new to this. I finished my homework in less than 10 minutes which is a record. I know it took less than 10 minutes because my computer like hibernates or something after 10 minutes and I came back here and it was dong the hibernating thing. when it hibernates, it has this weird bunny thing that zooms around the screen and says, "I am out right now" in this really weird robotic voice. You probably don't understand, do you?