Thursday, March 13, 2008

Funny Stuff

Sorry that I keep making new posts. My sister and my dad are eating dinner. My sister is in a crabby mood so she told my dad that she didn't want to sit next to him. So they sat at opposite ends of the table. Our table is pretty big so it looked really silly. Then my sister needed a napkin so my dad asked me to get her one. I picked one up daintily, walked over to her with it on my open palms, placed it on the table next to her and said, "Here you go madam," with a fake British accent. She screamed, "I not your dumb! I no want you call me dumb! I not dumb!" So then my dad asked me if I had called her dumb and I said no, I had said madam. So my dad had to explain to her (from across the table) that I hadn't called her "my dumb", but I had called her "madam" which means lady. This misunderstanding cracked me up. If you don't think it's funny, I guess you had to be there to get it and think it was funny. There's another funny thing. My dog is an adopted dog and he may have been sarving at one point. This makes him eat anything and everything he finds. My sister likes to play with dried beans out of a big plastic box. Before dinner, my sister didn't put away her beans, so after I was done laughing about the madam incident, I walked into the kitchen and saw my dog eating the dried beans out of the box! On instinct I yelled out, "NO!". He ran away quickly as if he knew he was guilty and didn't want to get in trouble. It was really funny to see him eating the beans and then running away because he was caught red-handed! Or maybe I should say red-pawed. . .


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