Monday, November 17, 2008

play and stuff

i'm so sad that the play is over! i'm going to miss everyone! but now i'll get more sleep and i'll have more time, so... it's good that way.

at the saturday performance, after intermission during the time when we didn't have to go one for a reeeeeeally long time, i had to go to the bathroom really really really bad. maddy went with me. when we were in the hall, james was done with his costume change. he was being immature and was blocking my way to the bathroom. i was like, "james! i really have to GO!!!" and i kept saying this over and over. then the rest of the royal navy came out (thomas, hayden, josh, josh, and caban) and i was still saying that and it was embarrassing. finally i got past him. when maddy and i were washing our hands, caban was in the hall and he was like, "what are you guys doing in the women's bathroom?" and we were like, "why wouldn't we be in this one?" and he was like "james why are you in the girls' bathroom???" and i was like, "it's not james! it's maddy and melissa!" and he was like, "yeah right" and he WALKED IN! and i was like caban! what are you doing in the girls' bathroom? and he was like whoa! melissa you sounded exactly like james. and james really was in this hallway. it was weeeeeeeeird.

is it just me or is caban nicer this year? last year he was all like, stay awaaaaaaaaaay from me! and this year during the play he kept coming up and talking to us.

and on saturday night in the dressing rooms, every time sarah and i looked at each other, we would burst out laughing and we didn't know why but we couldn't stop. but sarah looked so funny when she was laughing! i just had to laugh!

the play was sooooo much fun! thanks for all of you who came to see it! this year i got FLOWERS! omg! from vivian and julia and lizzy! thank you soooo much! but i'm really sad that the play is over. i'm gonna miss everyone.

on sunday summer took like 200 pictures! she really likes taking pictures and i don't really but i like having pictures and she doesn't like being in pictures so it all works out.

emily and michaela and natasha got awards! i was totally expecting michaela's and emily's cuz they were so awesome, but natasha's was a surprise.

on friday summer and maddy and i went to culver's with their cousin olivia. we were just like i really hope people we know are there! and max and monique and andrea were there! we really freaked max out. we were like "MAAAAAAX!!! HIIII!! GOOD JOB!" and he was like "hi good job." yeah. we barely knew monique and andrea but we were laughing and talking like we were alll besties. :) so fun.

today was drug awareness day! i actually like the movies they show. they're really sad though. pretty cool for school movies i say. and the classes were shorter so that's always good.

omg the trimester's almost over! this was a reeeeeeeeeally long post. sorry about that. i just had a lot to say.



Sandy said...

Melissa!!!! U GUYS DID SO GOOOOOODDD!!! I support!! (on friday) and it did look like you guys had a lot of fun! and the bathroom thing? that is weird and who's caban? but anyways great job! :D

melissa said...

thanks sandy! caban is a seventh grader. he's really weird. he's nice though.