Sunday, November 2, 2008


it turned out grace was wendy. it was pretty awesome. she went and bought a blue nightgown that day. the weather was soooooooooooooooo nice!!!!!!! it was absolutely perfect. our group ran half of it so at the end of the night, i was actually hot. i was wearing a cami, a tank top, a t-shirt, my dress and leggings and i thought i was going to be freezing. after trick-or-treating, we went to summer's house and played. i ate some potato soup! we played camoflouge and i was pretty good at it. we kept calling the other group and they said they were on their way to kaylas, but when we went there, the other group (sarah, sarah, emily, and michaela) said they had been there for awhile. it was just confusing. so at the sleep over we watched the office and played truth or dare and sleepover-y stuff. it was funny how people liked to text on my phone so much. so we did a lot of texting. we stayed up until about 2:30 or so and woke up at 9. we were good people and donated a lot of candy.

yesterday, we were going to go to ukai with julia, grace, michaela, vivian, and graces mom, but when we got there, we couldn't get seats until 8:30! so we went to another japanese place called sansu. it took fooooooooreeeeeeeever to get our food. but we were entertained with eachother. lolololol. grace's mom lololol. it took us a really really really long time to decide what to get. grace and i shared two rolls. i know one of them was a california roll. our waiter guy was awesome! julia some how got reeeeeeeeeeeeally hyper. it was so unlike her! it was really weird. but since we didn't get the spots we wanted, the hostess person gave us this really yummy thing. there was ice cream and chocolate and whipped cream and fried bananas. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. we took lots of pics on the ride home. julia looked funny in ALL of them. i looked good in almost all the pictures. it was weird. ya so laters!



Unknown said...

yeah, julia was acting really scary...
and i ordered the best food. =P ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I was passing out candy. I ate some. I hung out with my parents. Went home and watched a movies or two. That was my Halloween. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't mean to be the down cast emo person here, all in all, it was a fun night for me.

melissa said...

yeah... julia... never been like that before... whoa... well one time we were going to mystic lake and it's about an hour and a half away and we laughed the WHOLE RIDE. but we were little then so... vivian your food was really good. i liked mine too. the cali rolls anyway. the other ones were really spicy.