Thursday, November 27, 2008

twilight and thanksgiving and all

okay so i didn't fail my s.s. test. yay! i got a 94% *does a happy dance*

yesterday we went shoppin and it was fun. i was sad because i needed clothes but i didn't actually buy anything. :(

twilight was uber fantastical! that's my new word. it's so long! i don't know many long words... okay so i thought twilight was really good. we (sometimes it was like, the whole theater, and sometimes just us) laughed at some parts that weren't supposed to be funny. like the faces that edward made. so i guess that's why some people say robert pattinson can't act. but i thought the sparkly edward part was pretty good considering people don't actually sparkle! at the end it didn't seem like it was the end at all. the credits came and i was like WHAT?!? it's over!?!? it just like showed victoria's face and then ended... it was weird. but other than that it was good.

happy thanksgiving everyone! i actually celebrated last sunday because my parents thought we were going to holland earlier so they started thawing the turkey and stuff and so they didn't want it to go bad so my mom just cooked it and we ate it and pretended it was thanksgiving. i had blueberry pie from grand traverse pie company! yum! i like pie. except pumkin pie. and key lime pie. and rhubarb pie. and that's about it. cherry pie is okay. the rest are really good. except mud pies! EW! but ya know. the edible ones!



Liz said...

the reason they ended with victoria is so it flows into new moon which they have already signed the contracts for

Sarin said...

yayz! *does happy dance w/ u*