Monday, June 23, 2008

My List-y thingy

I'm going to explain my list-y thingy on the side.
1.: Today in Dimensions in math, we had to build something out of blocks behind a folder and then give directions to our partner and try and get them to make it. in one group a girl said to do something with the "thing" or something and the other girl said, "I don't know what "thing" is!"
2.: At the girl scout sleepover in our tent, Grace's mom sniffed because she was pretending to be a deer (long story) and I said, "What's that sniffing noise?" Yes, in that case I am the weird random person.
3.: Something that Summer said. I don't remember where or when.
4.: Something Sean asked before we did our Olympics.
5.: In math at Dimensions, we were learning about Venn Diagrams (zzzzz) and we were comparing fruits. Oranges and apples don't have anything in common so they get separate circles. If one circle is apple and another one is grapes, the middle section is grapples. A lady walked into the room, saw what was written on the board and said, "ooo, fruit salad!"
6.: This is something that Stacy and Mike said. Mike said it completely randomly in Social Studies, just out of the blue, but with Stacy, we were talking before Dimensions about stuff we like for breakfast. I said Cheerios and milk and Stacy said, "I like bacon."
7.: One time my mom and I saw this boy and he had long shaggy hair or something so that's what she said.
8.: I was talking to this girl at Dimensions named Katlyn and she said she was friends with Troy Boyd and when they were little, they played dress up and he always dressed up like a girl. lol
9.: Katlyn, the girl from Dimensions made a flamingo in Ceramics and she forgot to put a hole in the head so she was praying that it didn't blow up since it didn't have a hole. It turns out that it didn't get fired yet.
10.: A bee from the HEIFER thing was on the floor or something so Mrs. DeKatch put it on Michigan. Someone in our class asked, "Why is there a bee on Michigan?" It was funny.
11.: Katlyn told me that her friend Rob was eating Halapeenyo (I have no idea how to spell it) cheddar cheetos and she said, "I can smell those from over here." Rob asked, "What do they smell like?" Katlyn said, "Halapeenyos and cheese." "Wrong," said Rob, "They're cheddar and halapeenyos." Katlyn said, "cheddar is cheese." rob said, "It's different." He looked up Cheddar on Wikipedia and found out that it was a village. Today in math and dimensions, there was this quote by john n. (i can't remember his last name) who wasn't famous for anything but that quote. Rob looked up his last name on his iTouch thing and found out that it was a village too. That's what Katlyn said to the teacher and then she said, "Cheddar is a village too." It was funny.


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