Thursday, June 5, 2008

Today I got to wear a toga! It didn't work out so well because it kept falling down and it was too long but it was still fun. I wore my When In Rome (the play last year) sandals. They kept coming untied. At the Olympics, I did pencil javelin, Neha did the footrace, Andrew did tortilla discus and Jacob did standing broad jump and shot put. We got first place on the footrace, discus, and shot put, third place on the pencil javelin and last place in the long jump. Andrew was funny. He threw the tortilla during the practice and it went into pieces so he had to use a broken tortilla. After the real thing, he tripped over thel ine and we had to put it back. At the beginning of the hour, we were in first place and three out of four people in our group dressed up so we might win. Yay! On Tuesday, I went to the choir concert. It was awesome. I liked the sixth grade song Cameroon, the boys only song, and California Dreamin'. At first I thought California Dreamin' was going to be a Beach Boys medley but I guess it was just some random songs or something. I don't know. blah.



Anonymous said...


I forgot mine, but fortunately Geethika had an extra. So I borrowed it.

fish n' chips95 said...

I wore a toga too! Awright!!

Liz said...

california dreamin' is by the mama's and the papa's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
surfin' usa is by the beach boys
monday monday is by the mama's and the papa's
happy together is by the turtles!!!!!

melissa said...

nice to know. michaela tried to convince me that happy together was by the beach boys! silly michaela. i didn't believe her though