Saturday, March 29, 2008

Psychic abilities?

A couple of days ago (Wednesday night) I had a dream that we switched seats in social studies. In real life I had sat next to a girl named N and across from S. In the dream, I ened up sitting next to S and across from N when we were done switching and we're like, that's weird. N and S just switched places! The next day, we switched seats in social studies and were put into these rows instead of table groups. And I was sitting next to S. But I wasn't sitting across from N. I couldn't because we were in rows (she was in my row though). Oh well. I guess I need to work on my psychic abilities. :)



Sarah said...

use people's full names, you are driving me insane trying to figure out who the heck it is you are talking about.

melissa said...

it's easier to say the first letter. but okay.

melissa said...

For Sarah's sake, S=Sean and N=Neha in this post. If she ever looks here. Which she might not. Oh well.