Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was the first track practice. Not many of my friends from my school are in it (only three that I can think I right now; E, J, and N) but I have a few friends from the other middle school too so it's all good. Anyway (I say that word too much) we jogged to the other middle school (since they have the track) and warmed up. Then we jogged and ran and sprinted and walked until our legs felt like they would fall off. That's how I felt anyway (see!). But J's mom was nice and she drove the four of us to our school instead of walking or running like everyone else. I felt bad for them. What's really really weird is that after we were done with part of our running, we would walk and I would become really really hyper and start laughing really creepily and skipping until J reminded me we were supposed to be walking. And I would say weird things like, "Oh no, we're running. Yay!". I was really creeping myself out and kept saying so. I was tired, but if you looked at me you would probably think, "That girl's weird. She's not even tired!" And I kept needing a tissue since it was like 30 degrees out but it felt really good when we were running because we were running. Ya know. Yeah. So that was track for you. In band today we got a list of the possible tests for us in the future. I also had to switch seats with Ryan so that I was sitting in the middle of the row instead of the end. I don't even know why I had to switch. I used to sit next to my friend E (from track) but when I switched, I have to sit next to a boy which I will call K (in the clarinet section) or T (I think) and someone else from the French horn section who is of course, a boy. But it depends on what day it is to who that boy is. Also, from my new seat, it's harder for me to get out and get to my next class. Enough about band though. In art we started coil peices and that's about it. In Language Arts, we started reading children's books for this project we're doing. At lunch, S and I tried to sell Girl Scout cookies. Then G came but pretty much all she did was play with my five-year-old sister. In math we had a substitute and a test about graphs and stuff. In science we had a really short vocabulary quiz about genetics and a sub. Again! We also read in this book and answered some questions. In gym we did volleyball again. In social studies we worked on our Africa projects in the computer lab. Actually, I didn't really work on socail studies. I mostly chatted to E on Gmail. That was probably my longest post.



Sarah said...

Melissa is breakin' the rules. Go meli, who knew you had a rebellious streak?

melissa said...

Why is that a good thing?