Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today was a bad day. Since my days are usually great, it doesn't take much to make my day bad. Today I spilled the milk three times when I was pouring it into my cereal bowl. In science we watched this boring movie and had to answer questions. In gym, I forgot my gym shoes so I had to sit out and just watch everyone. That's also why I'm not in track right now. I guess today wasn't that bad of a day. It just was a little worse than usual. Really the only good things were that I got good cookies in lunch, didn't get any bad grades, got the answers right when Mrs. DeKatch called on me so I didn't have to stay after class, and I got to walk home with Summer. But someone did come running up and yelling, "Summer, Melissa wait!" so that kind of ruined it. Those good things are just tiny good things though. Actually I have another one. I have hardly any homework today. Yay!
