Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Today was an AMAZING day! I loved it. I woke up yeah and stuff. I went to school. Band was really fun. We had Mrs. Jorgensen as a sub and we just hung out and talked and MASHed people. Then we got really confoozled. First she told us that 2nd, 3rd, and 6th were on the bus together. Then she told us that 2nd, 3rd, and 4th were on a bus together. When we got back outside we were told something else. I know that 2nd and 3rd were together and 4th wasn't on our bus, but I don't know what other hour was on our bus. Oh well. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that it's clear that the whole which bus to go on thing was confoozling. Anyway, we went on the bus and I ended up sitting in a seat with Nate L. and Kyle N.. They're great people I guess, but I really didn't want to be crammed next to them in a bus. I passed notes to Michaela, Preeti and Sarah. Michaela wrote notes back. Her hand writing was hard to read because we were on a bus, but I did it! Okay. So we got to the movies and got popcorn and pop. I sat next to Liz and Clare. I think that's how you spell her name. We saw Everest. It was about this group of people who climbed mount everest. People died. It was very hard. The avalanche was very loud. One guy climbed to the top without an oxygen tank! It felt like I was really there. It was very interesting. I spilled a lot of my popcorn on the floor but I saved the rest of it from falling. Even with the help of the spill, I didn't finish my popcorn. When the movie was over, I rode with Liz and Elena. We were all wearing our track sweat shirts and jeans. When we got to the mall, I didn't know what restaurant I wanted to go to. I started at Charley's and then went to A&W. They didn't have what Summer and I wanted, so we went to sbarro's to get pizza. We talked to the lady behind us in line. Yeah. We told her allllllllllll about our school. She said that we were lucky that there are no bullies at our school and everyone pretty much gets along. Meaning no fights in the hallways and stuff. We're not perfect. By the time we got to the front of the line, we found out that there was no more cheese or pepperoni pizza! The lady working there said it would be about 10 minutes. I decided that was too long and we would have to wait in more of a line once we got our food to pay so I decided to go to Cajun Cafe next door (or whatever) since there was nooooooo line. I got Bourbon chicken and fried rice because Erin told me to get it. She and Gabrielle got it too. So we ate our food and left. Vivian ate a lot of fries. On the ride back to school, I sat with Natalie and Jamie. We were sad when we got back to school. It was almost fifth hour. We played outside until it was time to go to fifth hour. In fifth hour, we switched seats and then played a game. One team sits on one side of the table and the other team sits on the other side. You have to hold hands with the people next to you. The person at the head of the table would hold a stuffed peep. GOOOOOOO peeps! sorry. ANyway, Ms. Wild would throw a coin in the air (I was careful not to say throw up) and she would show the people at her end of the table. If it was head side up, the people would squeeze the person's hand next to them and the squeeze would go down until the people at the other end of the table got it. When they did, they would try and grab the peep before the person sitting across from them. They won if they got it first. If people spread the squeeze and it was tails, the other team would win. If you won you would move down a seat. The game was over when one of the original people was at the end of the table. That team would win. After our team won, Summer showed me a card trick with some UNO cards. I was frustrated when I couldn't figure out how she did it. Then Summer, Jamie, Geethika and I played UNO. Gym was easy. We only had to run to the second back-stop and back. Then we went inside and practiced serving on the deck. I don't know why we did it on the deck, but okay. In Social Studies we played games. Yay games! Mrs. DeKatch got to pick them, but oh well. They were still fun. First we played charades. Some of them were very hard to do like eagle, traffic light, merry go round, Great Wall of China, rocking chair and nap. Some people had a hard time. But our team won. For the merry go round one, the other team got it in like two seconds! It was truly amazing.Then we went back to Mrs. DeKatch's room and played pass the pen. She gives us a topic and then we have a little bit of time to write down examples of it. You take turns. For colors, you can write gold, purple, orange and yeah, you get it. My group was Morgan, Neha and Kelly. We won candy! I got a smarties sucker. In track we only had to run 1800 meters lightly. I guess my light is faster than other people's lights because I lapped a lot of people. I should have went slower. I was the third girl done. If I went slower I would be less sore. But it really did feel light to me. I didn't feel fast at all. I was so so so happy that track was easy today and we went home after that. It was so easy. I had so much energy that I ran most of the way back to Kinawa. Bad idea. I got changed and walked home. Ernie really wanted to go out so I took him for a long walk. Then I got home and went to my grandparents' house to celebrate my dad's birthday. We had carrots, cottage cheese, potatoes, and meat. For dessert, we had my dad's favorite lemon meringue pie. After dessert, I hurried over to soccer practice on my bike. I was just in time to see Summer biking down my street after an unsuccessful trip to my house and biked the rest of the way with her. Soccer practice was pretty normal except my legs were really sore from running so much in the past two days. When we were scrimmaging, I accidently screamed, "Go yellow, go go go! Wait. What am I saying?!?" I wasn't on the yellow team! Michaela kept on yelling at me to run this way and that but I couldn't go as fast as she wanted me to. Oh well. It's not her fault she couldn't feel the extreme pain in my legs. If she could, she probably wouldn't be yelling at me. I don't even know why they're sore. I didn't run that much in the past two days. I've done more before. Maybe because I didn't go to practice on Thursday because I didn't have my gym shoes, I didn't have practice on Friday, I only had a soccer game on Saturday and I didn't do any running on Sunday so my muscles all died. Then when I did track again, I wasn't used to it, so my muscles had to get bigger. So them I went home and did stuff on the computer and practiced. I guess I will have to take a shower tomorrow since there is no time today. If you actually made it all the way down here, wow. If you just skipped all the way to the bottom without reading anything above, I don't blame you. This post was really long today. I'll try to make them shorter but it's so fun to write about every detail!


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