Sunday, April 13, 2008

weird dreams

Vivian was in my dreams three times last week. In the first dream, the seventh grade band and choir students had a performance together. We took a train to the place where we were performing and Vivian snuck on with us. She's not in band or choir. The train wasn't actually in my dream, but you just know that kind of stuff in dreams. Another thing that I just knew was that Tanner and I had snuck out of the place where everyone was performing and met Vivian in a street. Tanner had his binder and a weird hat. Vivian and I went into a store. There were these baby clothes and Vivian took a shirt that had brown and yellow stripes on it. There were three eighth notes on it that made the shape of an L. Vivian took the shirt and put it on her head. The sleeves turned into those braidy things that are on some hats except the braids were on the top instead of the bottom of the hat. It was now a shirt/hat. Anyway, Vivian put the shirt on her head, it became a shirt/hat, she did a little dance and the dream was over.

Another night, I had a dream that we were at camp. Our school brought all the seventh and eighth graders to this one camp that was like an indoor amusement park. We went on a train ride. I must have forgotten something or something because my mom came to camp, gave me something. and followed me around for the rest of the day. Vivian's mom was there too. My mom and Vivian's mom talked while I watched Vivian buy something from a little stand. I think it was a disposable camera. No one else's mom was there. Later (my mom wasn't there) I went on a ride that was kind of like the Kali River Rapids Ride (or whatever it's called) in Disney World. You get on a circular boat with some other people (I sat next to my friend Reychell and the rest were eighth graders) and you go down a river-like thing (except it was inside and really dark) and you bump off the walls and turn around and around. Before we knew it, there was a giant waterfall (way bigger than the one at Disney) and we were falling down it. Before that, we were all laughing but when we got to the waterfall we all screamed. The dream ened right before we fell.

Another night I had a dream that my dad and I rented a house near an amusement park. It was a big house. One morning, I couldn't find my dad so I walked down the dusty road to the amusement park. This one was inside too. I went on a ride where you go on it and see different stuff. It wasn't a thrill ride. It was very slow. I was the only one on it. When I got into one room, I saw Eddie peeking through a hole in the wall. Then my dad look in, saw me, and said, "Melissa! With your irrodescent hair, someone could take you! Put some sunscreen on!" and I said something like, "I'm fine dad." Eddie watched this. Then I went back to school and for some reason I was in advanced math. So was Vivian and Jessica and a bunch of eighth graders. Then the dream was over.


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