Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Math and Band

So today, I went to math and Mr. Scates wasn't there yet. That happens a lot. But usually he gets there in time. Today we had to wait like, 15 minutes for him. We were just standing in the hallway and talking. Then he came after a long time. So I got to miss part of math class today! Yay! On Friday, we had a sub in band. People were being crazy and acting up. Kyle and Josh switched instruments and switched places! Josh is bad at the clarinet. I don't really have anything else to say.



fish n' chips95 said...

lallalalalalalalalalalalalalalal, i don;t enjoy being in the company of josh.

melissa said...

You know what's really weird? i used to be really good friends with him! He lived right across the street and I would go over there and play or watch a movie or something. we liked to play catch and soccer I think. we played legos too.

Anonymous said...

Josh couldn't even play an open C!
It was horrible.
My ears are still ringing.

fish n' chips95 said...

r u serious! u and josh were friends! wow