Sunday, May 4, 2008

soccer, rain, weird dream

Yesterday I went jogging in the rain. Not so fun. It was only sprinkling when I started, but when I got back home, it was practically pouring. I had another weird dream last night. I was at this dance (I think it was for cottilion even though I don't do cottilion anymore) and people paired you up with someone and you danced the whole night with them. I got paired with Hayden. When we started dancing, we quickly realized that I was wearing the wrong shoes they were white with high heels and two straps. They kept on falling off and I would stumble. I was really upset so I went to the bathroom and washed my face. That made me feel better. When I got done, Hayden was waiting for me. We decided to sit on a bench in the ballroom and talk instead of dancing. After a little while, we started laughing really loudly at something. Everyone in the room turned and stared at us. We decided to go into the punch room where we could talk without bothering anyone. So that's what we did for the rest of the dance I guess. Yesterday in the morning, we had a soccer game. It was really cold out and the grass was really wet. We tried our hardest (I hope) and tied the game. I didn't score any goals, but I tried to. I got close a couple of times. After the game, Summer, Andrea, and I played with Summer's puppy Oliver. He's so cute! He has grown a lot. He is a golden retriever and black lab mix, but he looks more like a black lab. For the rest of the day I worked on China and checked my email and stuff. Not a very fun afternoon. Oh well. Ta ta for now.


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