Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Studies

Yup. You guessed it. This is about Social Studies. I love Social Studies. It's not completely the subject. I mostly like our class. They're hilarious! We talk about the weirdest things and do the strangest things. Yesterday in Social Studies, I had to present my poster. For some reason, Bobbie wanted to hold up posters for everybody so I let her. I was the last person to present in that hour. Speaking of Bobbie, one time Mrs. DeKatch had an example of an exception to the one-child policy in China. She said, "Let's pretend that that Bobbie married Susie and had a kid." All of us were just like, "WHOA!". It was funny. That's really all that was important about that example. So today in Social Studies (I'm skipping around a lot I know) the last four people presented their project, we reviewed what we knew about China and played T.V. News Game for the next half hour or so. My group was Ashwin, Mike, and Jacob B.!!! They wasted a lot of time fighting over the little white board and marker. It was annoying. The only answers I knew that my group didn't know (that I can remember) was what the four-book saga by Stephenie Meyer was called (Twilight. Duh. Ashwin tried to get me to write Trinity!) and that Chanel No. 5 was perfume. I sneezed really weird today. That was random. Speaking of random, one time during Social Studies (duh) Sean suddenly looked up at me and said, "253.". It was random. One time when we had a sub, Bobbie and Morgan were eating paper. So weird. The last time we had a sub, we learned about an earthquake. There were some pandas in the slideshow. Jacob B. said he hated pandas because they attacked people. The sub said that little things were cute once and Sean starting dancing. Then Jacob B. said, "Sean, you would be cute if you cut your hair." Whoa. Then Bobbie said, "Now Sean knows what NOT to do." We have a very strange class.


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